2022 Signing of Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) of Cybersecurity Label Between CSA and BSI
2022 - Signing of Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) of Cybersecurity Label Between CSA and BSI
The signing of the Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) on Cybersecurity Labels for Consumer Smart Products between the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA) and the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) of Germany, to mutually recognise the cybersecurity labels issued by the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore and the Federal Office for Information Security of Germany. The establishment of the mutual recognition, will further promote the harmonisation of standards, reduce duplicated testing and costs for manufacturers globally, and lastly to improve market access for Consumer Internet-of-Things manufacturers between Germany and Singapore.
Germany and Singapore are the few countries in the world, who develop respective cybersecurity labels for consumer smart products. Both countries share mutual interests in encouraging products to be embedded with better cybersecurity provisions, to incentivise manufacturers to make better secure IoT devices, to empower buyers to make informed decisions when buying smart devices, and to eradicate duplicated assessments and reduce cost of compliance. The MRA establishment is a testament of the countries’ shared vision for a safer and more secure cyberspace.